The organizers of the
Valle Giulia Dialogues, a collaborative initiative of scholars associated with
the foreign academies in Valle Giulia, kindly invite you to the next session of
presentations which will take place on November
24th, 17h, at the Danish Academy in Rome, Via Omero 18.
Fabricius (The Danish Academy) ‘Lutheran Reformation in Denmark in 1536: A
historical analysis of its spiritual consequences for the Danish people’
Dalton (The British School) ‘Jesuit
confession and the private absolution of heresy in sixteenth-century Italy’
True (The British School) ‘Death and Virtue in the funerary monuments of
Gaudieri (The Austrian Institute) ‘Alois Riegl and The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome’
The presentations will be followed by discussion
and drinks.
All welcome!